Full-Stack Java Web Coding Bootcamp 16-week Immersive, Hands-on Course

Get the Career Your Deserve

Let’s Get Started

The Career of the Future

With software “eating” the world the need for programmers has never been greater. Veterans make extraordinary programmers. The drive, discipline and attention to detail required for success in the military can be handily adapted into coding.

Our coding school is certified to accept the GI Bill. Many of our graduates have gone on to work in cyber-security intelligence roles protecting critical infrastructure, as well as many other firms – startups and big companies alike – where Java expertise means landing a career, not just a job.

Student Projects

NFL Pick’em

Java, Object Oriented Programming, Spring, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, REST, Angular, GitHub, AWShttps://youtu.be/eMsHOLYpZM8

Mid-term Project

Java, Object Oriented Programming, Spring, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, REST, Angular, GitHub, AWShttps://youtu.be/DLH_K_WFabs

SD Connect

Java, Object Oriented Programming, Spring, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, REST, Angular, GitHub, AWS

Hear What Our Students Have To Say


Our Grads Experiences

I got hired by Google as a software engineer after attending this bootcamp. Sure, I had to do some extra self-study to pass the interviews, but this school is the reason I was familiar enough with Java fundamentals to even get past the phone screen. Even after six months at the big G, my day-to-day work is still chock full of concepts that I learned at this school. Dependency injection, exception handling, data access objects, JUnit testing, CRUD applications… the list goes on. Within a few weeks of being starting work I was adding features to a major data pipeline (written in Java) that processes hundreds of terabytes of billing data for all of Google Cloud Platform’s biggest customers. And the crazy part was that I felt confident at it.
Joshua B
Joshua BSoftware Engineer, Google
I didn’t know this when I was choosing a coding bootcamp, but the two most popular and profitable languages to learn today are 1) Java and 2) Javascript. Skill Distillery is the only coding bootcamp I know of that teaches you both – and they teach them to you well. I’m going into my job confident in the skills that I learned at Skill Distillery, and confident that I now have a solid foundation as a developer and can teach myself myself anything that may be required of me in my new job.
Kaylee M
Kaylee MConnect First, Inc.
I made my first git commit just one year ago, marking the start of a dramatic change in my career path. It was really tough and there were many times I didn’t think I would cut it as a developer, but with the help of my great instructors and colleagues, one year later I’m working in a cool industry on a cool project, and I’m stoked about what the future brings!
Robert H
Robert HInfosys


Need payment assistance? Our financing options allow you to focus on your goals instead of the barriers that keep you from reaching them.


Apply for 3-year, fixed-rate, merit-based loan¹ for your tuition and cost of living financing. Current income not factored into financing approval for Immersive students.

Let us figure out the best option for you.

Contact Us

¹ Must be a US citizen or permanent resident; approval pending state of residency.

Financing options are only available to students accepted into our courses. Contact a admissions for more info.

Have questions? We’ve got the answers. Get the details on how you can grow in this course.

Why is this course relevant today?

When we built the Skill Distillery bootcamp program we surveyed potential employers to determine what skills they most desire when hiring junior developers. The results pointed to HTML/CSS/JavaScript for the front end and Java for the back end. Since our ultimate responsibility to our students is to make them marketable to employers, we chose not to take the easy path of Ruby on Rails, but rather we spend the extra time to teach our students Java and the Spring Framework.

What practical skill sets can I expect to have upon completion of the course?

There are many technologies that you can learn to work as a computer programmer, but we don’t just teach what is quick and easy to learn. We start with Java because we want students to have a solid foundation as they build their career. We prepare you to get a junior level Java full stack programming job upon completion of the program.

Whom will I be sitting next to in this course?

Students who are accepted into the Skill Distillery program have one thing in common – their passion for code. From chiropractors to bakers – and everything in between – we’ve helped people from all walks of life kick-off the career they deserve. We are also proud to be certified by the Veteran’s Administration to accept GI Bill benefits.

What kind of people are you looking for?

We are looking for a wide range of people. Our bootcamp program benefits anyone from a college graduate with programming experience to someone from a completely different industry with no experience. We teach you everything from the ground up so you don’t need to worry about the details. We are simply looking for driven, determined and passionate people looking to make a change in their life.

What prior experience do I need?

If you have prior experience, then that is a plus. If not and you are willing to work hard and put in the time you can still succeed since we teach you everything from the ground up.

How many people will be in a class?

We have found that smaller class sizes allow for a better learning experience. By limiting our program to 20 students per class we provide you with the individual attention, assistance, and support you need to succeed.

Full-Stack Java Web Coding Bootcamp 16-week Immersive, Hands-on Course

Get the Career Your Deserve

Let’s Get Started